“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”*
A small charity with a big reach; we have a dedicated team of staff but volunteers are crucial in helping us to fulfil our charitable aims.
We are lucky to have a (very small) group of regular volunteers – we are also grateful to those who have helped out as a one-off or occasionally, when they can.
If you are interested in volunteering your time and being part of Team SCDT, please take a look at our volunteering vacancies below.
Alternatively, for more information about how you can volunteer contact us on 0141 357 3946 or email contact@scottishcotdeathtrust.org
*quote attributed to Arthur AsheFundraising:
There are many different fundraising volunteer opportunities within the Trust such as, bucket collecting, helping to arrange and host events, placing collection tins in your local shops and businesses, to name just a few.
If you are unable to commit to helping on a regular basis, signing up as a collection volunteer could be ideal for you.
Upcoming dates:
Bucket collections
We are unable to hold bucket collections at the moment due to COVID-19 restrictions. If you would like get involved in future, please do get in touch.
Watch this space!
If you can help us with any of the opportunities listed above or would like to have a chat about the different ways you can help us with fundraising, please call Marlene on 0141 357 3946 or email fundraising@scottishcotdeathtrust.org
Education volunteers
We are keen to expand our education work across Scotland. At present we have two very loyal (and very busy!) volunteers delivering Safe Sleep Education sessions at nurseries and community groups.
Ideally, we would love to have volunteers to deliver Reduce the Risks/Safe Sleep education sessions across Scotland, particularly outwith the central belt.
Being a education volunteer may suit someone from a childcare or healthcare background, but that isn’t in any way essential – If you feel you have the skills to support this work, please contact us to discuss.
We are keen to develop our Board of Trustees with people who have experience in any of the following areas: PR; Human Resources; Fundraising; Nursing
If you feel you have the skills and are willing to support our work, please contact us to discuss.
General volunteering
We also have opportunities in other important areas of the charity:
Office Administration, Volunteer Speakers, Bloggers, Distributing awareness materials.
Please contact us for details.