SUDI Review

SUDI Review

A SUDI Review is a multidisciplinary case discussion. It is currently not a mandatory process, however, the Scottish Cot Death Trust recognise the importance of a SUDI Review and would encourage all professionals involved to attend wherever possible. SUDI Reviews take place for deaths in infancy when the baby who died was aged from birth up to 24 months.

It is important that someone can advocate on behalf of the parents to ensure that their voice is heard. They know best what professional responses were positive and which ones may be learned from. If a family is being supported by the Scottish Cot Death Trust we can attend to speak on their behalf where they consent to this happening.

The SUDI Review meeting is held shortly after the final post-mortem examination report is available and the Procurator Fiscal has concluded the investigation, which may be several months after the infant has died. The main participants may include a paediatrician, pathologist, GP, health visitor, community midwife, social worker, police, Scottish Ambulance personnel and any other professional relevant to that particular SUDI.

The meeting will be held at a suitably convenient time and place for all involved. The purpose is to discuss all aspects of the death, the professional response, possible causes or contributing factors to the baby’s death and to discuss see what can be learned from the baby’s death, both positive responses which should be shared within agencies and things which could have been done better so that improvements can be made. An important part of the SUDI Review is to ensure that there is support in place for the family and to plan support for any future pregnancies. For more information about SUDI Review in Scotland visit